My online friend, Alec Robbins, creator of the famous Mr. Boop series, made a tweet in which he claimed he could make the best TV show in the world for $600 in 3 days. A small independent streaming service, Bug TV, saw Alec’s tweet, and actually gave him 600 dollars to make the best TV show in the world in 3 days. I was a small part of it, Alec calls me and asks me to make 20 minutes of animation in 3 days, which I (in character) say is possible and I can do it. I eventually give him 3 seconds of animation, and make the final frame last for 20 minutes.
A few weeks later, I quote retweeted Alec’s video, and made an even bolder claim: I could make a better TV show than the best TV show in the world, for $800 in 2 days. Bug TV then took me up on my offer, and I started my 48 hour best tv show ever.
I only went in with the idea that I wanted it to be loosely connected to Alec’s show. I came up with the idea that I was evil and trying to ruin Alec’s career by sabotaging him with my lackluster animation.
Since I had an (extremely small) budget, I decided to get some help writing the script from my good friends Alex Lopez and Zach Dorn, as well as my other good friends Sam Lane and Ian “Worthikids” Worthington. Alex, Zach and I pounded out most of the script as soon as my time started at midnight, and then the following morning Sam and Ian helped me punch it up a little more and added jokes.
Alex, Zach and Ian all did small guest animation bits, Zach did the pretzel, Alex did the chickens, and Ian did Tom Hanks.

Ian also did all the music, including the epic final song.
I voice myself, Sam Lane voices the doctor (second doctor I’ve had her voice!) and Shane Dawson the CEO of Tyson Chicken. Alec voices himself. Zach voices Jimminy Agent the Cricket, the animation company CEO. Alex voices the custodians at the animation channel, the focus group people. My friend Isabel Higgins voices the CEO of the Roomba company. Ian voices the secretary, and Tom Hanks.
I pounded out the bulk of the animation for this 15 minute monstrosity in 30 hours.